Fuck Your Culture in Cross Stitch

(content notice: violence against women, suicide)
This one is for every woman hurt by a culture that thinks it is acceptable to destroy them for hurting a man's feelings. As the frequently used Margaret Atwood quote says, "Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them."
Sometimes the sacrifice is not literal in the sense of a man with a gun or a knife or his hands. Sometimes it is an attempt to destroy the woman's life in numerous other ways without actually taking it. To harm them personally and professionally. To share private details of their lives. To send legions of dangerous people from the deepest, darkest depths of the internet after them. To dox them. To tell them to kill themselves. And more. All because they hurt a man's feelings. Worse, the culture will say this is ok. That they deserved it.
Fuck a culture that sacrifices women on the altar of men's hurt feelings.
I support Zoe Quinn. She has contributed important things to the gaming and tech communities. What is happening to her is yet another example of this fucked up culture sacrificing women in the name of a man's hurt feelings. Fuck that culture.
I was really upset about this today, and putting together a cross stitch in Illustrator was very therapeutic. The first person to turn this into a real cross stitch for me will receive my undying love and a crapload of firebee stickers. <3
Update: By request, here is a rough approximation of a cross stitch pattern for anyone who wants to make one of these.
Editor's note: I feel weird that I haven't covered what's going on in Ferguson, MO here or elsewhere now that I am no longer on twitter. I care about what is happening there and have tried to make numerous comics about it (with a lot of variations on "fuck the police"), but none of them felt right. I do not want to put up something in poor taste on such a sensitive and important current event. Please, please, please go follow people covering this important topic. African-American activists on twitter are some of the best resources on the topic.